Eavesdropping at Wal-Mart

After finishing shopping, the store greeter stopped me and asked me how many items I had purchased. I was confused and wondered if Wal-Mart had established the same policy as Costco, where they check your receipt as you exit the store. I told the worker that I had bought 7 items. He then proceeded to scold me, saying that I was only supposed to buy 5 things. At that point I was really perplexed, until my mother reminded me that on the way in the store I had told my friend that I needed to purchase 5 things before returning home. As Mother and I got in the car, we were laughing hysterically about the situation.
When entering the store I had not even seen the store greeter and was totally unaware that he had overheard my conversation with my friend. It really made me aware that there are eyes and ears everywhere that may be watching and listening to everything I say and do. Not only are there store clerks, but neighbors, friends, acquaintances, church members, strangers and most importantly children who may be observing the daily routines of my life. If I am God’s representative to the world, I must be above reproach in my actions; after all, I don’t want to hurt my Lord’s reputation.
Help me Lord to live my life to bring glory and honor to Your Name and to never do anything that will cause other people to stumble.
1 Corinthians 10 31-32 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God.