Doggie Dash

Each dog had a look and personality of their own. One small cocker spaniel, sporting a vest that said “Adopt Me,” was shy and frightened at the crowd of people and dogs. A black Irish Setter thought is was much more fun to roll in the grass than to walk the trail. But most of the dogs wanted to stop at my station, because they could jump in the river and enjoy the cool water before continuing on the last leg of the dash.
As I surveyed the motley group that had assembled, I was reminder of the creativity and kindness of our Father God. He could have created only one type of dog that would be the same size, shape, color, but He didn’t because He knew that we are all unique and one type of dog would not fulfill all of our needs, wants and desires. Aren’t we glad that He knows us so well and that He wants to give us special blessings even in and through pets that are just perfect for each of us?
Matthew 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!