Dinosaurs and Faith

My five year old grandson, Will, is very inquisitive, with dinosaurs being his main interest. He wants to read all about them and has millions of questions about what they looked like, where they lived, what they ate, what happened to them, etc. so it should have been no surprise when he began questioning his mother about what the Bible says about them. That’s when I received the phone call to find out why the Bible does not mention them.
I fumbled through some answers, but then the thought came to mind, why not search the internet to see what I could find. As I googled “Dinosaurs in the Bible,” I found that there were actually many articles on the subject. All of the ones that I read pointed out that the term dinosaur wasn’t coined until the 19th century, so that particular name would not have been in early translations. Most of them also pointed out a passage in Job that could have been a description of a dinosaur.
Interestingly enough as I read through the material, I came upon something that had been written by a 19 year old. He stated that it didn’t matter if the Bible had information about dinosaurs, because if everything was completely written out for us in the Bible, it would not be FAITH, instead it would be based on facts, proof and evidence. Wow! What an insightful young man. I think that now I will be able to give Will a little more information about the subject he is so interested in, but I think my focus will also include a discussion on faith and trusting God no matter if we can see everything clearly.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.