Hotdogs at the Skate Park

Last night the Wednesday Morning Bible Study cooked hotdogs at the Edwards Skate Park as an outreach event for the community. While studying 1 Peter this spring we decided that we wanted to be an example to others and one way that we could do it was through serving. So with a great team, helping to bake cookies, making signs and purchasing the hot dogs we were just about ready.
My husband and I went to pick up the grill from The Vail Church, but while walking up to get it we noticed movement under it—a snake. Well Satan may have been trying to keep us from serving the community, but we weren’t going to allow a little garden snake to thwart our plans. So we moved the grill toward the car, but soon discovered that it was not going to fit in our SUV. Satan again???
A phone call was made to a friend with an enclosed truck who agreed to stop by and see if it would fit in her vehicle. Upon her arrival, she was about 2 inches shy of fitting it in her truck, when she laid hands on it and said, “Lord you know we need this grill to fit.” and then discovered that she could remove a 2 inch piece and it would slip right in.
So now the grill was loaded, but on the way to the park, raindrops started falling. Was this going to stop us? No way! It only served to keep us cool with the cloud cover. There was only one more obstacle—we were a bunch of women and none of us knew how to build a fire with charcoal. But God is so good and He provided a precious young man with a heart for the lost souls at the skate park who came at just the right time to rescue us from ourselves and to get the fire started.
Phew…all of the obstacles had been overcome and we were on our way to a great evening filled with fun, fellowship and free hotdogs for all. Before we do this again, I’m going to practice my Spanish—“Perritos calientes gratis”—which means “Free Hotdogs.”
1 Peter 2:12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits you.