McDonald's Lawsuit

In my opinion, there are other reasons that kids want that particular product and it is not the toy. Maybe they like the burgers and fries, maybe the parents are too tired to cook after working all day and it is an easy dinner, or just maybe they want to go to the cool playground and the food is just and afterthought. And there is the also the issue of the size of the meal--children do not want or need to have the full size portions.
Although I do not frequent McDonald's, I certainly do not fault them for the choices that Americans make, but instead applaud them for doing a great job at marketing their product and even trying to give healthier menu choices.
If there is a lawsuit against McDonald's, what about Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s and all of the other companies that put prizes in their kid’s meals? Are they all going to be sued too? How far will people take this before we stand up and say, “Enough”?
It is time for the people of our great nation to stop trying to find fault and begin taking responsibility for our own actions. Instead of suing someone else, start teaching our children right from wrong and how to make good decisions. Let’s look at the part we play in the problem instead of always pointing the finger at someone else. Who will join with me in taking a stand?
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.