What is most valuable to you?

Last weekend while trying to catch a snow report and watch the Indian snow dance on Good Morning Vail there were also segments from local vendors. Realtors were on the program trying to sell multi-million dollar homes positioned on mountain tops which would be used as second or third homes. Another shop owner was talking about the new ski gear that could be purchased to make your ski experience more enjoyable.

A jeweler appeared who was inviting viewers to stop in and purchase a Rolex watch as a Valentine’s gift for their sweetheart. He had displayed watches with mother of pearl and meteorite faces, ones with diamond bezels which were made of a variety of different materials including gold and platinum. They were beautiful and of great monetary value.

After watching all of the opulence on TV I stopped to have my quiet time which took me to Psalm 19:9-11 that says:

 The fear of the LORD is pure,
   enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
   and altogether righteous.
They are more precious than gold,
   than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
   than honey from the comb.
By them is your servant warned;
   in keeping them there is great reward.

As I read this passage I came to a quick halt, thinking about the things on TV this morning that appear so important in the eyes of people because of their monetary value, however this passage tells us that there is something that is worth more than all of the material possessions I had seen earlier.  It seems contrary to all of our human thinking, because we are told that God’s Word—the Bible is more precious than pure gold.

To the majority of people in the United States, the Bible is not seen as something of great worth; after all it cannot be sold for cash. So what makes it so precious? I think it’s because the scriptures are life-changing and ultimately lead us to eternal life if we allow them to penetrate our hearts and minds and transform us from the inside out.

Do you treat your Bible like it is valuable? Do you cherish the words written in it? Do you open it each day to see what it has to say to you? Is your life changed by what it says to you? 


Greg Brooks said…
I probably wouldn't if not for my friends like you,
Thanks and I love you, sister

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