Happy Thanksgiving!

Last Sunday our church gave each attendee a paper leaf as we entered the sanctuary. Later in the service we were instructed to write something we were thankful for on the leaf—it could be one word or a paragraph. At the end of the service they collected the leaves and the following Sunday they had tree-like Aspen branches on stage with all of the leaves tied onto it. A video had also been made using children and adult voices reading the responses and visuals of the different leaves.

This activity made me think that there is not just one thing I am thankful for, but I could fill a tree by myself, so here is my list. It is only a partial one, but it is a good start.

I am thankful for:
God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit…My husband of 37 years…My two wonderful daughters and their great husbands…Two precious grandchildren…Two grand-dogs…My mother who is in good health at 85 years young…The best sister in the world…Extended family everywhere…Friends all across the country…The cross and resurrection…Health…The beauty of God’s creation…The ability to see and hear…The ability to smell and taste…The fact that I can talk…The sure hope of eternity spent with God…Knees to kneel and feet to walk…Fingers and toes…A God given brain and that most of the time it works…Seasons that change…Snow, rain, sunshine…Blue skies…Fluffy clouds…God’s desire to have relationship with me…Cars to get places and the ability to drive…The places I have been able to visit in this world…My family heritage…Godly people in my past and present…The Bible and the ability to read and understand it…Gifts God has given me to use for His kingdom…Memories…Good times and the not so good times…A God who never leaves me or forsakes me…God’s provision of my daily needs—food and clothing…A home to live in and entertain others…A warm bed on a cold night…Challenges that strengthen me…Love, joy, peace…Contentment…Being able to smile and laugh…God’s forgiveness…Redemption… The ability to think imagine and dream…God’s care and compassion…Good pastors…Miracles…Surprises…Colors…Rainbows…Promises that God has given me…The ability to feel on the inside and outside…Hot baths…Cool crisp air…Fires in the fireplace…Snuggling …Full moons and diamond stars in the sky…The variety of things God created for our enjoyment—animals, flowers, insects, trees, etc…People who are different from me…Children…People who have experienced many years on this earth…Babies…Food in the refrigerator…Water from a faucet…Indoor bathrooms…Good neighbors…Airplanes for quick travel…Walks with friends…Christian music on my iPod…Churches that preach truth…Our country—the United States of America…Mountains…Fellowship with other believers…The ability to sing and hum…Being able to skip…Hugs and kisses…Hand holding…Telephones…Computers…Schools, teachers and the ability to learn…Cool breezes on a hot day…Public servants who put their lives on the line each day…Medical professionals…Green grass…Fresh fruit…Puppies…Purring kittens…Prayer and being able to enter into God's presence…

Now it is your turn to let me know what you are thankful for; I’m sure we can add hundreds of things to the list.

Psalm 100:4-5
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
   and his courts with praise;
   give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
   his faithfulness continues through all generations.


Margaret said…
I'm thankful for you Mom! What a GREAT list. Thank you for shining His light.

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