Submission or Stubbornness

When on an airplane, I love to look out the window, so I always choose to sit in that position. On one particular day, I was fortunate enough to have two windows on my row. Upon sitting down I opened the window closest to me so I could watch the flurry of activity on the tarmac, but as we took off, my husband asked me to open the second window on our row so he too could look out.

I slid the shade up for him, but a few minutes later the man on the row in front of us reached behind his seat and shut it. To be honest, my first thought was retaliation--to open the window back up, but how could I do that after I had just studied a scripture on submission which means being able to give up my rights to honor someone else. I could have been stubborn and pushed the shade back up, but that would have been disobedience in God's eyes.

So as I sat there, I began thinking about he man in the seat in front of me. It was an early flight and maybe he needed to get more sleep. Or maybe he had something wrong with his eyes and the light bothered him. Or maybe he just had to be in control. At that point it really did not matter, because I had given up my right not just for the gray haired man, but I gave it up for Jesus and that made it easier.

Are you in a situation where you need to give up your rights in order to honor Jesus? If so, what choice will you make and will you do it with a smile or with grit in your teeth? It actually feels good if you will just try it.

Ephesians 5:21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


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