Community Connection

If you know me you know that I love people. (I heard at Women of Faith that most people say that, but anyway…) God has transformed my life in that area, because I cannot say that it was always the truth about my life. 

It is funny because with my personality, I must have my quiet/alone time, but when I am with people I cherish every moment spent with them. Of course, being with my family is always a priority for me and God has granted me special friends that I always enjoy being around, but strangers can also be treat for me. I can meet someone at the grocery store or other places and feel as though I have known them for years.  

At our community dinner recently there was a precious little Asian woman who came to the dinner with her daughters. She was probably 70 years old and I was immediately drawn to her. I went over to tell her how glad I was that she was there for our dinner and she reached over and gave me a hug. I knew she had “a story” and wished that I had time to hear it. 

Later when she was seated and partaking of the delicious brisket dinner, I went to check and see how she was doing and if she liked the meal. I knelt beside her and again received another hug. Although we didn’t have a deep conversation we were having so much fun that one of the daughters asked how we knew each other. We just looked at each other and laughed and confessed that we had just met each other. They gazed in disbelief.  

How could two people so entirely different according to the world’s point of view feel so close after such a brief encounter? I must say it was one of those God moments—He had put us together and we could talk and laugh as if we were old friends.

When the tiny lady was leaving she found me and gave me a third hug of the evening. How do you like that—total strangers giving each other hugs after spending just minutes together? Only God could have orchestrated that encounter. 

John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


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