
Do you ever have days that start out so busy that you feel like you don't even have time to spend alone with God before beginning the activities? Then the day starts to spin out of control and you wished that you had spent time with God before it had gotten to that point?

My friend was having that kind of day; in fact she would probably say that every day recently has been similar. You see, her mother is sick and has to go to dialysis several times a week. She is responsible for all of the duties at home from cooking to cleaning, bill paying to grocery shopping and on top of it all, her mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and cannot be left alone. 

My friend’s day was spinning out of control, but the final blow was when she went to use the microwave and it would not work. She unplugged it with the intention of taking it to the back door and throwing it out. However she stopped and realized that maybe, just maybe she should have started her day with God instead of feeling overwhelmed with so much to be done.

She laid her hands on the broken machine with tears streaming down her face. What was she going to do? She could barely pay the rent; much less get a new microwave. She began crying out to God saying, "God you know I need this microwave to help fix food quickly for my mother. You know I can't get another one, you know I am frustrated and overwhelmed. I also know that you can fix this machine if you want to, so God please do it."

In her mind it was almost comical. Praying over a kitchen appliance, but she thought she would try it anyway.

She plugged it in and turned it on and guess what? It worked. Giggles replaced the tears and she realized that her focus had been in the wrong place. If we start our day with God and focus on Him throughout the day, things will go smoother. He might not fix you microwave, or change your situation but you will be changed in the process.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.



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