A Test of Gratitude

Yesterday I posted a generic Thanksgiving quiz so you could see how you are doing generally with your thankfulness. Today I have posted a test of gratitude that Charles Stanley from In Touch Ministries gave on his weekly television program. This test differs because it is specific to our Christian walk.

Our relationships with the Lord can be evaluated by our gratitude. Paul used the word overflowing to describe how great our thankfulness should be. People who have grateful hearts are: 

A. Positive. Thankfulness keeps us focused on what Lord is doing in our lives.
B. Aware of God’s presence. When we know that the Lord is actively involved in our lives, we can sense His presence.
C. Humble. We recognize the Lord as the source of every good thing and admit we had nothing to do with it.
D. Peaceful. When we place our trust in Christ and watch for His activity in our lives, we have His peace.
E. Thoughtful. Gratitude makes us thoughtful.
F. Generous. When we recognize all that God has done for us, we look for ways to pass blessings on to others.
G. Unselfish.  If we’re thankful, we are willing to joyfully share whatever we have.
H. Expressive. Seeing what God is doing in our lives motivates us to tell others and encourage them to trust Him.
I. Friendly. Thankful people are pleasant to others.
J. Contagious. A grateful attitude displays the character of Jesus in our lives, and that is very appealing to others.
K. Motivated. Thankfulness motivates us to give, share, and serve.
L. Servant hearted. We want to serve Christ by giving ourselves away to others.
M. Faithful. After watching God repeatedly work in our lives, we develop great trust in Him.
N. Fruitful. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we desire to be used by the Lord to achieve His purposes.
O. Joyful. Gratitude produces deep, abiding joy because we know that God is working in us, even through difficulties.

How did you do on the gratitude quiz? Let it be your aim to overflow with thanksgiving because of Jesus.

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.



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