What is your passion?

My friend Susan is intrigued with why God gave her a love of horses. She has adored them ever since we first met and has been known to take me on all kinds of adventures from riding them in the mountains of Colorado to the sandy beaches of the Bahamas. At times we have laughed so hard that we cried on these experiences. Susan is much more of a horse woman than I. She has competed in cutting horse competition and has done quite well, so I have always just been the tag-a-long on the adventures. Each time Susan asks me why I think God gave her the love of the equestrian sport, I think about why God has put diverse feelings, desires and passions within each of us. If no one loved horses, God would not have anyone to be His vessel to minister to, love, teach or serve others with that passion. There would be no one to pass along the gospel message to them. It's the same with each of the things we love whether it is sports, culinary, creativity, animals or any other thing. God wants to ...