My Epiphany

When was your last epiphany? Mine was during the Christmas holidays. I discovered that I didn’t have to post a blog every week, but I could actually be free to enjoy the true meaning of the season-Jesus. I hope that you all did the same. 

Epiphany : 1) a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ; 2) a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way

Since today is the Epiphany, I looked up the definition and had a “chicken or the egg” as I wondered if the celebration of the wise men coming to see Jesus was first or if the more common definition for today was first. I determined for myself that the wise men probably had the first Epiphany when they saw the star, made the long journey to find him, running into obstacles along the way, but finally finding Him and seeing that they had found the true Messiah.

How was it that others missed it? It made Herod furious, so much so that he stirred up the whole town with his anger. The religious leaders who should have been most excited about the arrival of the Savior and knew the facts about the birth were indifferent. They should have been the ones looking for the baby, but they simply didn't care.

Most people today can fit into one of those categories--the seekers, the scoffers or the indifferent. Where do you fit in?

The wise men not only searched for the baby Jesus, they found Him and they were overjoyed, but there was one more thing. They fell down and worshipped Him. That should be our reaction too when we find Him.

They came to Him as a baby or a young child, but they didn't bring Him booties and blankets. Instead they brought Him gifts for the Man He was to become. The gold fit for the king. The incense fit for the priest and the myrrh fit for the redeemer.

The great epiphany for the wise men is that they realized the greatness of this child—that He deserved gifts of honor and praise.

Too often we leave Jesus in the manger. It is safer to keep Him baby Jesus, but we can't let Him stay that way. He grew up to be a man, a perfect man. He lived a life we couldn't live and died a death we should have died so that we could have a life we don't deserve*. Yes the star led the wise men to the baby, but each of us has heard the message and must make a decision about Jesus. 

Will you choose Him as you Lord and Savior? And will you choose to follow Him? Everyone must make the decision for himself.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 

*Pastor Craig Smith quote


Lynn said…
was wondering what happened to your posts!
Barbara Koob said…
I am so glad you are free to not have to write every week. I, too, am giving myself a break. God is good.

But your posts made me think of what word I must grasp for 2014. The year has started and it so busy already, I can't seem to sit still. My daughter is a teen now, not driving yet, and I am driving her everywhere every day as she is a devoted year-round swimmer.

Anyway, my word(s)for 2014 is to be wise and worship, like the wise men who actively deeply pursued finding this King Jesus, and bowed down to
WORSHIP! And I can worship everywhere I go! Thank you Olga. May The Lord abundantly bless your year.

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