Hatred Eclipsed

Did you notice how just for a moment on Monday, August 21 during the eclipse there was no hatred expressed? Instead everyone was mesmerized by the sky. The view of the sun being covered over with darkness was the buzz. From questions about the glasses, where you would be watching, other devices that could be used and the way the leaves were shaped like a crescent....No one had time for hatred for a brief few minutes.

Not everyone was able to see the sight in person. My 91 year old mother didn't have the glasses and wouldn't have wanted to view it alone. She couldn't get to the museum where they were having an Eclipse Watching Party so she determined she would just watch it on TV with a better vantage point. 

In order to make the best of the lonely situation, mother continued the conversation by saying that even though this once in a lifetime event had occurred, she sees the glory of God each and everyday--when the sun rises, when a flower blooms, when a hummingbird buzzes, when a baby is born. And her list could go on and on. 

We see amazing things everyday, but we take them for granted. Even on the special eclipse day, most people don't even recognize or acknowledge the hand of God in the event. They give credit to Mother Nature without stopping to think that it is with precision that God keeps the universe in order. How else could the exact moment and location of the total eclipse be predicted with accuracy?

If we were to focus on God and His handiwork daily, would that help to rid the world of hatred? Probably not completely, but it's a good way to start making a difference once step at a time. Our world could some love which comes from God.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

I'm not sure who to give credit for the amazing picture, but if anyone can provide that information to me, I would be happy to give them credit.


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