Blessing of Baptism

For those of us who have grown up in the church, baptism can
have different memories. Some were baptized as an infant, others were
sprinkled when they joined the church, while still others feel that baptism
should only be done as a dunking when someone professes faith in Jesus.
I recently had the privilege of baptizing a friend who I
have been mentoring for years. She was only in town for a few days and she had
wanted to have it done for months. None of the pastors were available, so I got
permission from the church leadership to do it myself and due to my position on
the Women’s Ministry Team they were supportive. Since I know this person, her
heart and her love for the Lord, she didn’t have to go through the required
As we stepped into the water I asked 3 questions:
- Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
- Do you proclaim that His blood alone pays the penalty for your sins?
- Do you turn from your old way of life and choose to live in the newness that only He can give?
When all of these questions were answered with a yes, I
proclaimed “I baptize you In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You
are buried with Christ and you are raised to new life.”
It was a simple ceremony with only a couple of us present,
but it was profound in the life of this Christian. Her past had not been very
good due to the choices of others and had haunted her for many years with
terrible memories. She was ready to put it behind her and to move forward on
new paths with Christ directing the way.
Would the new life be hard? Absolutely! Would it be worth it? Absolutely! Would she be able to do it? Only through
Galatians 3:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of
God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourself with Christ.