Mistaken Identity

After many years of dining at The Minturn Country Club, we
have discovered that it is always a treat to have lots of spoons when eating
the Minturn Tater. After a big steak dinner cooked on the grill, the dessert
tops it off. Chocolate chip ice cream shaped like a baked potato rolled in
sweetened cocoa, smothered in whipped cream and sprinkled with nuts caused our
family to act like a bunch of piranhas while scarfing it down.
Two year old Griffin was offered a bite, but refused. We all knew he would love it if he would try it, but instead he was demanding something quite different. He had spotted a small cup filled with a white substance that looked like it could be a kiddie cup of vanilla ice cream, but he was wrong. We tried to coax him toward something else, but he would not give up and the cries got louder and louder. Finally he was given the container of sour cream. The table filled with people was riveted toward him as he drew a large spoonful to his mouth.
You know what the reaction was...a look of "what just happened" and then dropping the spoon and spitting out the disappointing substance. It had been a case of mistaken identity.
Everyone at the table had known what would have been the best treat for the little one, but due to his independence and his self will, he would have nothing of it. Instead he was highly disappointed and missed out.
The same thing happens with God. He always knows what will be best for us, but how often do we demand our own way and miss out on the blessings that He has planned for us? If we will just learn to trust Him, realizing that He knows best and desires to give the best we won't have to go through so much pain, heartache and disappointment.
Little Griffin missed out; I hope you won't be like him.
Psalm 13:5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.