Found: Jesus

Nine year old Will was intrigued when he saw the picture which said, "My daughter found Christ in Afghanistan." He had taken the words literally and thought that the daughter had found the body of Jesus that had been buried, when indeed it was intended to say that the daughter had found Jesus as her Savior by reading the devotional book while she had been serving our nation in the military. The perfect teaching time was at hand. I explained the meaning to my grandson and continued the lesson by explaining that things aren't always what it seems or sounds like. Jesus couldn't have been found in the desert because if His body couldn't be found on Easter morning it would never be found. It was in heaven. The deep theological conversation went on late into the night, but I wouldn't have traded the time for anything in the world. Questions about satan, sin, God, love, death, heaven, dinosaurs. I am inspired by the thoughtful questions that the littl...