Rat Reproduction

A fun fact for the week in our company newsletter said: Rats multiply so quickly that in 19 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. I don’t know the source or even what it has to do with my company, but assuming it is true, that’s a whole lot of babies and if it’s not true, I still believe that a pair of rats can have hundreds of offspring in a short period of time. Rats reproduce profusely. On the internet I have read that the record for human reproduction in a lifetime is 69 children to one woman which includes many twins, triplets and quintuplets to get to that number. Now that seems like a bunch of children even though it pales in comparison to the rat family’s offspring. Have you ever stopped to think about reproduction of Christians coming to faith (not by the number of children they have, but how many actually come into the family of God)? How fast do they reproduce? How do they reproduce? Are they actually reproducing? My friend who lives in China an...