Blessed Beyond Measure

“Blessed Beyond Measure” is the phrase I have used to express the goodness that God had shown toward me. God has blessed me so abundantly in my life that I cannot adequately express with words how thankful I am. I have been so many places that most people only dream of going. I have met the most interesting people including the rich and famous to the lonely and ordinary. I have friends that accept me just as I am - warts and all. I live and work in a most beautiful place with wonderful people. I have a great family who loves me and is supportive of me. I have more possessions than I need. And most importantly I have been adopted into the family of the God of the Universe. That list of blessings seems like God has only given me goods things. But are blessings only the good things in our life? We are quick to say, “May God bless you” to our friends and family; politicians like to say, “May God bless America.” By saying that phrase we often really mean for God to give u...