A Moment in Time
One of those times for me was on a trade show floor in
Toronto, Canada. I was alone in the booth as it was early in the day when
suddenly a man approached, but it was no ordinary man. He could not speak and
his method of communication was by writing in a small spiral notebook kept in
the pocket of his coat.
It didn’t take me long to determine that he was a man on a
mission. He had come to the bustling trade show in hopes of introducing men and
women to the Lord…quite a feat for a man without an audible voice. When he pulled
out the Four Spiritual Laws I told him that I already knew Jesus.
He began writing excitedly about what had happened to take
his voice away, describing how God had led him to the huge auditorium that
afternoon and encouraging me that God had a plan for my life. He wrote about
the power of prayer and continued turning the pages of his lined note pad with
message after message about life and faith and God.
It seemed as if we were the only two people in the huge,
crowded arena. The noise had been masked by the simple written conversation
that we were having—two strangers but a common bond, Jesus.
As he left that afternoon I told him I would pray that God
would give him his voice back, although he didn’t need it to proclaim truth. I
also requested that he tear out a page from his pad of paper. It said, “Power
is on knees…move mountains.”
Since that time, I have framed the simple piece of paper and
keep it in my bedroom as a reminder that if God can use a man without a voice
to speak forth truth, anything is possible.
So when the mountains come into my life, the things that
seem to be too big, too insurmountable, too challenging to overcome, all I have
to do is look at the framed scrap and be reminded that with God nothing is
impossible, After all if I get on my knees the mountains can be moved by my
mighty God.
“For nothing is impossible with God.”
Luke 1:37