Consuming Fire

It was a beautiful cool, crystal clear Memorial Day in the Vail Valley. Most people had been out enjoying the day by either hiking or biking. The day was nearing its end with a service to honor the fallen soldiers at the local park when suddenly it was interrupted. The police officers and firefighters were being called away in the line of duty. A fire somewhere in the Valley took precedence over the ceremony. A condo building had ignited and was threatening other structures in the area along with the parched hillside behind it. The smoke billowing into the air and flames engulfing the building drew crowds of people to watch in horror and amazement. The inferno was so destructive that it was difficult to determine which complex was aflame. It was just a short time later when we discovered that one of the condos was owned and occupied by a young couple that we know. Fires can be useful when providing light in the darkness or warmth in the cold. It is also valuable for cooking and pu...