Perfection Undone

‘Twas the morning of Thanksgiving when all through the house preparations had been made… It was going to be perfect. The lawn had been manicured, the house had been cleaned. The table was set with the Woodlands Spode china set on Southern Living chargers, crisp white monogrammed linens and Waterford crystal. Fresh flowers adorned the table, and the food had been prepared. All was well, until... Billy had gotten up early with the kids to let everyone else catch a few extra winks of sleep, but while watching The Lion King yet once again, he looked down and that's when the discovery was made. I heard him heading down the hallway, calling Margaret's name and saying, "Come and see." A few moments later Margaret dashed into our bedroom with a look of shock across her face and announced, “Molly has lice.” L-I-C-E... How could it be? Margaret suddenly remembered the note that had come home from school the week before which told of an outbreak of the insect...