Who's the Boss?

“Nobody is my boss” were the words that my grandson declared from the backseat of the car. It wasn’t really out of defiance so much as just a statement of fact. My husband and I just looked at each other and laughed. At the age of six you may think you control your world but you really cannot have any real understanding that throughout your lifetime, you will have many people in authority over you, starting with your parents and teachers. The perception of the government being your boss by telling you things like you must pay taxes and how fast to drive is not something that I could effectively describe to the young boy, but I knew that one day in the future he would grasp the concept. Someday when he enters the workplace, he will learn quickly that not only is he not his own boss, but that there are many types of people with power, some that are honest, fair and easy to work for, while others are mean, harsh and unreasonable. All of these bosses will be a part of his g...