Do You Need a Label?

I walk the path often beside the sensory garden and see the plant stages during all seasons. After the winter, the pitiful little twigs are barren and lifeless next to the sign deeming it to be a rose bush. At that time it is difficult to determine if the shrub will bear leaves and flowers in the near future, but the label lets you know that there is hope for the dormant plant. And since I have passed the plant for many years, I have observed the rose bush in full bloom, coming back from its sleeping state. Christians too are labeled. It could be from the cross that hangs around your neck or the fish that rides on the back of the car or even the fact that you attend church. For some it is relatively easy to gaze upon their life with attitudes, actions and words and readily see the qualities and characteristics that represent the label. For others you look at the sign and question if it is really true, because if the label had not been there, it would have been hard to ...