
It was time for everyone in our office to get new headshots. A new website was being developed and they wanted consistent photographs for the team—the others had been random shots. One outside in a tank top, one in a studio, another in winter…you get the picture, they just didn’t go together. Our local photographer was called in to do the job. The morning of the shoot there were lots of complaints. I hate to have my picture taken and I like my old headshot were common themes, but the real complaints weren’t voiced until the pictures were snapped. I look fat. My hair looks bad. Can you get rid of my wrinkles? Will you Photoshop my gray? Will you take another? And another? And yet another? I like my old headshot better. The poor photographer was just doing his job, but he took much abuse for the hour long session. We laughingly said it must be much easier to do an on-mountain shoot with skiers who don’t care nearly so much about the way they look. When m...