Divine Appointments

The phone message was from one of the young girls in our church. She needed to talk. The only problem is that I was just making a quick Wal-Mart stop before heading to church to perform my job for the Recalibrate Conference. So my message back to her was she could either meet me at church that evening or we could get together anytime the next night. Now it is confession time-- I had just finished my Quarter Pounder with cheese and was exiting the store, I ran smack dab into the girl who needed to talk. I took that as a direct God intervention to my plans--a Divine appointment. We went back into McDonalds and spent the next hour talking and praying for my young friend. As I sat there, I knew that if God had planned this appointment, He would have someone else who could step in and help with the job that I was supposed to be doing at church. How often do I miss blessings like the one I experienced at Wal-Mart by not listening when God is trying to change my plans? Lord...