Warning! Warning! Are You Listening?

Repairs had been made on the fire alarm and sprinkler system for months in the building where I work. Tests would be run periodically either by manual methods of pushing buttons or by the main controls to see of the system was operational. About two weeks ago all systems were good to go, so the workmen packed up their equipment after the long stint of replacing the entire unit. Finally we would have things back to normal without the flashing of lights and loud warning going off. However on Monday when the alarm went off we discovered that we had become calloused and complacent to the sound meant to protect us. The computerized voice kept telling us that we were in danger and that we should exit the building, but instead of obeying people were milling around wondering if there really was an emergency. After a few minutes most of us at least walked toward the door to try and discern if the building were really on fire. It wasn't, but the alarm had gone off due to smoke from a...