Walk Worthy

Do you ever stop to think about how your actions affect the people around you? When you perform a random act of kindness it can have a positive effect on the people that you encounter daily. It can be as simple as letting the frazzled mom at the grocery store check out in front of you or paying for the person's coffee behind you at Starbucks. Any way that you can treat another person with kindness can help to show them the love of Christ. But have you ever stopped to think about the flip side of that behavior? How does a negative action affect others? You would probably agree that churches should be the best breeding ground for the ideal behavior, but let me share a couple of examples that show that we might need a little bit of help. One of the young girls at our church confessed that she had accidentally pulled out in front of a car because the parking lot where she works is difficult to see oncoming traffic. As she glanced at the oncoming car she saw the middl...