Peter Pan Syndrome

Does anyone remember the Peter Pan song where he sings, “I won’t grow up…I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up, No sir, Not I, Not me, So there!” Those were my thoughts as I biked the 14 mile trail through the Glenwood Canyon. With beauty surrounding me, friends beside me and the sun shining on me I felt like a kid. And I didn’t want to grow up or grow old. For some of you that might seem comical because you already think of me as being old…after all the number associated with my age is well past the half-century mark, I have multiple grandchildren and am closer to retirement than I care to think, but I feel young at heart. When I think of my grandparents, I remember them as old--they looked old and acted old. Why is that? It’s not the number associated with my age or the fear of getting old, it’s that I don’t want to give up enjoying life, trying new things and serving God. The Bible promises us that we can be productive into the twilight year...