Taxi Talk

When you pray for divine appointments it's always interesting to see where God leads. This evening the appointment was in the form of a cab driver named Freddie. The taxi had been called to pick me up at 8:15 PM at the mega church where I was attending the Catalyst West conference. It meant I had to leave before the speaker was over and was disappointed, but I couldn't delay the cab driver. However when 8:30 PM rolled around and I was standing on the corner waiting for him I must admit I was a bit miffed and called the cab company to see when he would arrive. Apparently my cab had come and gone with another passenger and just I'll bet their name was not Olga (that was the name on the reservation). That meant that not only did I miss a good portion of the speaker I really wanted to hear, but I now had to wait another 20 minutes for another cab to be dispatched. What was God trying to teach me now? The conference theme was Be Present but I really didn't want to be ...