Who Is God?

If you were asked the question “Who is God” how would you answer it? But maybe the more important question for you to answer would be do you know Him well enough to tell someone else who He is to you personally? God is Creator and Sustainer of the universe Hebrew 1:2-3 God is Grace, Mercy, and Peace and gives those as gifts to us 1Timothy 1:2 God is King over all the earth Psalm 47:2 God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End--Eternal Revelation 22:13 God is my Shield, my Fortress, my Rock and my Deliverer in times of trouble 1 Samuel 22:2-3 God is Love, and nothing can separate us from His love; it is only because of Him we can love Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 4:8-10 God is One, but exists as three Persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit Matthew 3:16-17 God is Just, Holy and Righteous Isaiah 5:6 God is Almighty, Powerful and Sovereign Revelation 19:6 God is the Giver of eternal life and it is His desire that none should peri...