The Hills Are Alive

The glory of the Lord is shining all around these days, it makes me want to break forth in song, so I have taken an old classic and have adapted the words to what I feel as I look at the beauty of the season. I only wish I would sound like Julie Andrews if I were to sing it. The hills are alive with the golden color With hues they have shown for a thousand years The hills fill my heart with the joy of seasons My heart takes pleasure in what the eyes see. My heart wants to beat like migrating birds that fly down from the north to the south My heart rejoices like a child skipping down a leaf covered lane To laugh like a stream when it trips and falls over stones on its way To sing through the day like a choir honoring their great King. I go to the hills when my heart is joyful I know I will see what I've seen before My heart will be blessed by the golden color And I'll praise my God. Daniel 2:20-21a Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power a...